How to Get My Wife to Look at Me Again

How can husbands stay attractive for their wives?

Ofttimes the question is flipped around, and although nosotros'll be addressing the same question for wives later this month, we wanted to offset with the men for once!

When you're dating, it's natural to put a lot of effort into being attractive for your new girlfriend. But what virtually when you've been married for a while? What kinds of things tin you do that turn your wife on (or even just don't plow her OFF!) to keep that spark live years into a marriage?

Nosotros decided to go to Facebook and inquire the wives of To Love, Award and Vacuum to let us know what their best non-shaming tips for men were to aid them stay attractive for their wives!

I need your help! What'southward are some quick tips (non-shaming, please!) for how a husband can stay bonny to his wife?

Posted past To Love, Honour and Vacuum on Monday, September 23, 2019

The responses fell into 2 camps: physical actions and then character traits that made women attracted to their husbands.And so hither are v of each and so you guys tin get a glimpse into the minds of women to figure out just what is information technology that makes wives madly attracted to their husbands! Let's get!

5 Ways to Intendance for Yourself Physically to Stay Attractive to Your Wife

i. Practice skillful hygiene

This was by far the most commonly mentioned betoken, and one we go emails about quite often. Similar I mentioned yesterday, the number of women writing in that their husbands don't brush their teeth is rather astounding.

Men: if you're not showering, not brushing your teeth, and throwing good manners out the window when your wife is around, don't be surprised if she doesn't seem so excited to make out!

  • But apparently trying, show he cares most how he presents himself to his married woman. All the basics of personal hygiene and core practiced manners.
  • Remain circumspect to his hygiene, regular showers, trimming fingernails and toenails, attention to details… clean socks (dirty ones in hamper, not on the floor) all very achievable regardless of appearance or trunk habits.
  • Brush your teeth, or employ mints or gum before coming home to your wife
  • Close his oral cavity when he burps, and try to pass gas discreetly.
  • If he works outside and gets all sweaty, he takes a shower afterwards. My husband is 46 and all the same looks amazing to me!

When listing out a bunch of these physical hygiene habits that make men attractive, one commenter said this:

  • Yous'd think these things would be a minimum standard, merely I've heard many women complaining about husbands by-passing these basics. 🤷‍♀️

Guys, these should be a minimum standard!This isn't your wife being picky–this is just her expecting the bare minimum in this expanse! So go on information technology, and get clean!

2. Keeping your hair trimmed (all of information technology!)

Whether or not you're able to grow facial hair, make sure that any you do abound is groomed nicely (and that includes washing and cleaning your bristles if you lot take 1).

  • [Being] well-groomed. Even if you wear your pilus long, go on it trimmed. Keep facial hair trimmed and shaped.
  • Get haircuts regularly. Shave regularly or trim your beard if you have one and brand sure to shave your neck. Maintain your eyebrows (yous don't have to pluck, but don't let them grow likewise wild).
  • Continue the hair trimmed in his ears and nose and eyebrows.

Talk to your wife about what kinds of facial hair she likes on you, then take the time to maintain information technology! Retrieve, besides, that kissing a bristles can exist uncomfortable for women with sensitive skin if your facial hair is coarse and dry. And so if you do have facial hair, invest in some bristles oils to help soften and nourish the hair.

3. Smelling proficient

For many women, smell is incredibly important. Non only is bad scent a plow-off, only good scent can be a huge turn-on!

  • Wear the cologne I picked out for him when we spend time together.
  • Shower daily and wear some kind of scent (cologne or body spray) and definitely use deodorant everyday!
  • I love when my husband wears body spray or cologne. Even if it'southward just body spray. Makes me crazy!!

Inquire your wife if she wants to go shopping with you to pick out trunk wash, body spray, or cologne so she tin permit yous know what scents she enjoys. Y'all tin plough it into an impromptu date nighttime, every bit a bonus!

4. Wear apparel that fit and are in good condition

We're not saying yous need to e'er wearable the latest trends or expensive clothing items, but taking an actress few seconds to put on apparel that fit properly and aren't stained or ripped goes a long way.

  • Pay attention to the hair styles, clothing styles she likes on yous. If there is something she hates, and you love, avoid wearing it when you are trying to woo her! 😂
  • Consider what your wife likes you to wear and make an attempt to clothing that kind of clothing. Don't wear things that have holes in them or are stained or faded or ripped. Make certain your clothes fit you lot right.
  • Wearable properly fitted clothes, not just baggy comfy clothes!

5. Working towards staying salubrious

Your health matters to your wife because YOU matter to your married woman! And so when she sees you working towards eating healthier, getting active, or taking initiative to get to the doctor without having to be hounded to make an date that tin can be incredibly bonny to her.

  • Have care of yourself and become to the doctor when stuff comes up.
  • His within is what is attractive to me, even though I adore his outside and the fact that he wants to stay good for you and works hard at it. He's the whole parcel.

As well, taking buying of your health and working towards becoming salubrious if you lot aren't good for you correct at present can aid your sex life get better, too! Many sex positions are quite difficult for a woman when her husband has a big belly, and so losing some of the excess weight can make sex more enjoyable for both of you–a pretty awesome bonus to taking care of our bodies, if y'all ask me.

So those are some of the nigh common physical things that women discover bonny. Now allow'due south switch focus:

5 Character and Relationship Factors to Assist Husbands Stay Attractive to their Wives

vi. Show that you are competent by taking ownership of tasks

Competency and initiative were brought up again and again and again. What women want is a human being she can rely on to go things done!

  • Treatment things for me without needing to ask/consult me so I tin can spend my mental energy on things that are a must for me to do.
  • As a mother of small-scale children, my major priorities are cleanliness and responsibleness. The to do list I have is Fashion also long and never ending. I find my husband well-nigh bonny when he successfully takes care of our home or children. I can't relax if I feel like I take to be responsible for everything.
  • When my husband came home from work, he took out the garbage, emptied the dishwasher, and manus-washed some pots one day final week. Without me asking or even mentioning that they were on my list. His sexiness factor multiplied by 100 that day!

Accept time and learn how to cook some great meals, deep clean the kitchen, or figure out what'southward on her to-do listing and resolve to help make information technology shorter by taking on some tasks yourself. Taking some of that responsibility and load off of her shoulders can truly brand all the difference–existent knights in shining armor wield mops, not swords!

seven. Be her protector

Showing your wife that you will go above and across to brand sure she is secure and safe is incredibly attractive. It makes women experience secure and like she can take a jiff because the globe is less scary because you're in it!

  • Protecting me and his concern for my safety
  • For me it is doing things to show that he is my protector… this tin can manifest as keeping things on track for us financially, keeping his struggles with substance abuse in check, making sure the house is safe and secure, filling my tank with gas so I don't have to take the baby to the gas station solitary… anything that shows me that our family unit's well being is his priority is attractive to me.

8. Be a man of your word

Knowing that at that place aren't whatsoever pretenses just that you truly stand past what yous say and your actions line up with what you believe makes men seem fifty-fifty more attractive to their wives. We want to know that you lot are dedicated to condign the all-time version of yourself that yous can be–there actually is nothing more manly than a homo of great integrity.

  • [Having] integrity, [and being] trustworthy are too values that make a husband very attractive.
  • E'er being truthful and cherish the human relationship you have.

9. Take an active role in fatherhood

For those of you lot who take kids out there, here's an easy i: be an involved dad! Your wife has so much dearest for your children, and seeing you lot share that love and affection for your kids is ane of the most attractive qualities a husband tin can accept.

  • My husband is near bonny to me when he's taking the time to play with our boys or when he helps me with cleaning the firm. It seriously takes a load off and lets me relax which gives me more time to requite him my attention.
  • My husband is rarely more than attractive than when he's beingness a bully dad and loving on our kids.
  • Holding babies. And generally engaging with the kids. I think women are different than men in that a guy might plough our eyes, but what really makes hearts palpitate is when they show that softer side, especially with our children
  • My married man looks unlike now then he did 19 years ago, a little less hair on his head, a niggling more in other places, a trivial more abdomen than earlier. Simply I am more attracted to him now than I was then… because I know he is an amazing husband and dad. Our kids dearest him, and information technology's all a reminder of the wonderful fourth dimension I've had with him, and look forward to many more years.

Incidentally, my daughter Katie said that the time earlier she was married to David that she found him most irresistible was when she outset saw him playing with a friend's toddler. Playing with kids is simply plain hot!

10. Study your wife and apply what yous learn

Finally, what makes you so bonny to your wife is that y'all know her then incredibly intimately–you know her more anyone else ever could. So show her–show her that you detect her, that you listen to her, that y'all think about her. Accept time to written report her and then put into exercise what you learn. Simply hear what some of these women said:

  • I want to be fix autonomously from anyone else in his life, as the closest person to his soul.
  • my husband knows my love language and that makes all the difference!
  • Clearly show he listens! Any time my husband either recalls or acts on something specific I've said, I feel then cared for. It is so attractive to know he's paying attending.
  • Listening. Being in tune to me. Listening comes more natural to women, so when he's picked up on what I'chiliad not proverb, it makes me experience so cherished.
  • For me its the out of the blue surprise like a candy bar he knows I like but don't go for myself. Its the small stuff that spur of the moment let me get this for her or do this for her. Its the stuff that comes from the heart not the wallet

If you want to be bonny for your wife, it boils downward to this: accept care of your body through skillful hygiene and self-care practices and be a human of integrity and thoughtfulness towards others. These are 10 specific ways to exercise that, but talk to your own wife and ask her: what kinds of things does she find attractive? Does she concur with this list? What would she add?

And for the women out there: what would you add together to this listing? What is something that you notice attractive that your husband does? Let'due south conversation about it in the comments beneath!


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